Welcome to Nagar Palika Parishad, Bijnor

Nagar Palika Parishad(NPP) Bijnor is a body of district Bijnor. This is the district head quarter also and It falls under Moradabad commissionery. NPP Bijnor is geographically located at 29°22'21.69"N and 78° 7'59.92"E. Its average altitude is 850 feet. NPP Bijnor is situated at North-East direction of the district. The Aerial distance of the River Ganga is approx 6 km. in South-West direction. Here is railway station with the name of Bijnor. It goes to Najibabad in North and Chandpur in South direction. Nearest Nagar Panchayat is Jhalu in East-South direction.

NPP Bijnor have a population of approx 2 lakh. As assumption the population consists of 52% males and 48% females. NPP Bijnor has an average literacy rate of 69%, higher than the national literacy rate of 59.5%: male literacy is 74%, and female literacy is 62%. In Bijnor, 16% of the population is under 6 years of age. The total wards are 25 and total houses are approx 35000 in Nagar Palika Parishad.

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Latest News

Regarding the operation of Kanha Gaushala under construction/built in Nagar Palika.
Regarding the operation of Kanha Gaushala under construction/built in Nagar Palika.
Regarding the operation of Kanha Gaushala under construction/built in Nagar Palika.।
सम्पत्तियों की यूनिक प्रापर्टी आईडी (Unique Property ID)जनरेट किये जाने के संबंध में।
Regarding the operation of Kanha Gaushala under construction/built in Nagar Palika.
Regarding the operation of Kanha Gaushala under construction/built in Nagar Palika.

योगी आदित्यनाथ

मान० मुख्यमंत्री
उत्तर प्रदेश

श्री अरविंद कुमार शर्मा

मान० नगर विकास मंत्री
उत्तर प्रदेश

श्रीमती इंदिरा सिंह

मान० अध्यक्ष
नगर पालिका परिषद् बिजनौर

श्री विकास कुमार

अधिशासी अधिकारी
नगर पालिका परिषद् बिजनौर